Thursday, April 27, 2006

Confusing Marriage and Rape

You know, I have said some pretty terrible things about the institution of marriage, but never ever have I confused it with rape. A Kenyan MP, however, cannot claim the same.

Yesterday while the Kenyan parliament was debating a new sex crimes law, an MP argued that the bill would prevent men from proposing to women for fear of being falsely accused of assualt.

Clearly, no matter where you are in the world, conservatives are the same: when they can't beat legislation on its merits, they cry "fraud." 'Cause you know, that's the problem in East Africa, too many men are being committed of crimes against women. We must stop that... someone call Bono, er something.

The good news is the women in parliament walked out in protest and activists paid a visit to the offending MP's office. The other good news? They took the whole "castration" part out of the bill. LINK


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