Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Pot: "Hey There, Kettle, You Are Totally Black!"

Ari Fleischer has written an editorial in today's Post welcoming Tony Snow to the job of White House Press Secretary, a job so similar to his previous one, it was like he was playing in the Bush-loving minor league, and was just promoted to the majors.

In this editorial, Mr. Spin McStonewallski himself has the cajones to write the following:

Before 24-hour cable news and the Internet, reporters at the briefings asked tough questions and generally received straight answers. Because the quantity of coverage was limited and the quality was driven by the next day's newspapers and the 6:30 evening news, with major figures such as Walter Cronkite delivering it, press secretaries didn't have to worry that their every word or thought would instantly be reported live on the North Lawn of the White House.

WHAAAAAA?! You, lamenting the decline of a full press court media? Who is to blame but the guy whose job description is wrapped up in a single word: SPIN.


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