Friday, April 28, 2006

Code of Law

Dan Brown, author of the book The Da Vinci Code, was sued in Britain earlier this year on a plagiarism charge. The judge, a funny little man named Justice Peter Smith, ruled in his favor. But that's not all.

In his judgment he included some not-so-random italicized words that were just revealed to be a freakin' code. Either that powdered wig was on too tight or he is the only guy ever to go through law school and not emerge an insipid version of his former self.


Sometimes I think American justices write in code, but then I realize, no, Scalia literally thinks the Constitution permits states to murder its citizens with chemicals deamed too inhumane for horses and dogs.

Why can't we get the ones who like puzzles?

UDATE: It's already been cracked. LINK


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