Monday, November 20, 2006

Carville in Losersville

James Carville tried to spin the midterm elections as a win for DLC-style Democrats despite all the evidence to the contrary--that this was a real win for economic progressives. I am neither pro- nor anti-Carville on principle, but the outrageous coup he launched against Dean as DNC Chair was, at best, naive. I am not convinced that Dean is the best man for the job, but Carville's suggestion of Harold Ford was a disgrace. Ford voted twice for the Defense of Marriage Act, one of the most discriminatory pieces of legislation to come down the pike in the last decade. Ford is the only Democrat to run a DLC campaign, and he lost. I would vote for Ford in a race against a Republican, but that's about it.

Anyway, to get back to my point, as soon as Carville began his tirade last week, not a single pol, adviser or public figure (as far as I could find) backed him up. Not even Hillary Clinton:

Insiders from the Clinton camp winced at Carville's untimely remarks last week calling for Dean's ouster in favor of unsuccessful Senate candidate Harold Ford of Tennessee.

"It was not coming from [Sen. Hillary Clinton] and they made a real effort to distance themselves from James' comments," said a source close to the Clintons.



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