Thursday, August 17, 2006

Follow The Money

Need proof that the Dems will take back the House and maybe even the Senate? Just look at the only guys in Washington who don't care which side wins so long as they have a seat at the table: lobbyists. They are now all hiring well-connected Democrats so that come November they aren't shit out of luck.

Now, this is a rather simplistic reading because, as we all know, the majority of business interests and corporate influence peddlers do actually care which party wins. You'll see most corporate money flowing into the party that gives the most corporate tax breaks, sets the fewest restrictions on environmental and labor standards and fights the hardest to preserve the draconian federal minimum wage: Republicans. But it's kinda sweet to see them pretend to be bipartisan, almost an antique throw back to days of old, no?

Democrats' Stock Is Rising on K Street (Washington Post)


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