Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Connecticut Debriefing

As you probably know, Lieberman was defeated by Lamont in the Connecticut primary yesterday, 48 to 52. I didn't start paying attention to this race until May or June, but as soon as you see Lamont, or hear him speak, you know this guy is a winner, and more importantly, he is a leader.

The question now is who is going to step in and pull Lieberman out of his vanity-induced coma. He thinks he is going to run as an independent. He thinks he can win. He thinks he'll be something more than a pathetic spoiler.

Hillary Clinton, who's husband rallied for Lamont and who supported him in her own right, has already sent a check from her PAC to Lamont for 5 grand.

Rahm Emmanuel (who leads the DCCC and whose super-agent brother Ari is the inspiration for the Jeremy Piven character, Ari Gold, on Entourage) is the meanest son of a bitch in Congress, and he has already issued this beautiful statement:

“This shows what blind loyalty to George Bush and being his love child means,” said Representative Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, the leader of the Democratic House Congressional campaign. “This is not about the war. It’s blind loyalty to Bush.”

Evan Bayh and John Edwards, two potential presidential candidates for 2008, are supporting Lamont.

Chris Dodd and Bill Clinton need to be on the phone right now with Lieberman's guy, Carter Eskew, setting up a meeting. Then they all need to sit down, grab Joe by the scruff and say, Are you freakin' kidding me?! Dodd has the cajones and Clinton has the influence; it can be done.

I predict that Lieberman will drop out. As of this morning I cannot find a single Democrat supporting his run as an Independent. Republicans are trying to spin the race as a win for Conservatives, arguing that the Dems are in disarray and controlled by the wild left.

The longer Lieberman fans the flames of his selfishness and hubris, the longer the Republicans will try to make this election work to their advantage, scaring up voters.

Watch where the money goes over the next few days. Jews from across the country have literally provided 70% of Lieberman's money; I'd like to see where they send their checks now. It will be very telling. If Joe can't raise money, and if Dodd and Clinton step in, he'll step aside. But there is a very small window of opportunity.


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