Thursday, August 03, 2006

Pat Robertson Admits Sky Is Blue (And Other Obvious Revelations Not In The Book Of Revelations)

I walked across Broadway at 112th St. yesterday on my way to the bank, and when I reached the sidewalk hot stones had literally melted into the soles of my shoes. Then, while waiting for the C train at 14th St., so much sweat poured down my legs I thought I was having an "accident" requiring a purchase of Depends. Finally, my apartment was so hot I actually put ice in my wine and got drunk in order to sleep through the night.

But there is an upside to the steamy weather, putrid smells and turgid air: Pat Robertson has converted. No, he hasn't forsaken his anti-Semitic, homophobic, paranoid politics boiled up in the looney bin that is his Elmer Fud mind. Rather, he is making a big public showing of his new belief in Global Warming.

Quick, someone baptize him with a bucket of crude!

(The only amazing thing here is that Robertson didn't blame global warming on the abortionists and homos... yet.)

Democrats must, must use the environment and global warming as key platform issues this fall and in 2008. The difference between Democrats and Republicans is huge on this issue, and emotions run high. The Republican Party is on the bad--and politically dangerous-- side of science in regards to not only this issue, but stem cell research as well. These topics split the Republicans and clearly define what kind of party the Democrats are: A party driven to better the public good, not legislate the private choices.

Heat Converted Bush Ally Robertson on Global Warming (Reuters)


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