Thursday, August 03, 2006

Texans for a DeLay-Free Majority

Most of us will never forget this image-- the face of an exterminator of bugs turned exterminator of American values-- but the Republican Party is filled with DeLay-deniers who want his tainted, radioactive name off the ballot in Texas while he faces money laundering charges.

Remember, earlier this year DeLay fought hard to win the Republican primary in Sugarland, Texas just to prove he was still the virile "hammer," and then tried to hand the nomination over to a hand-picked successor. A judge stepped in and said, "no, sir" and DeLay's name stayed at the top of the ticket. Republicans unsurprisingly cried "activist!" and "partisan!" So the case went to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, which today announced it was in agreement with the lower court and DeLay's name will again be offered up to voters this fall. I'm sure the disgraced Republican had no idea judgment day would be so cruel.

Court: DeLay Must Remain on the Ballot (CNN)


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