Friday, August 04, 2006

What A Little Primary In Connecticut Can Do

As I mentioned earlier, the latest poll numbers from Connecticut paint a grim picture for Lieberman's chances in the primary next week. It was no accident that on the very day those numbers were released, Hillary Clinton finally ecchoed Democratic calls for Rumsfeld's resignation.

I was watching CNN yesterday when Rummy reluctantly appeared alongside Gen. Peter Pace and Gen. John Abizaid before the Senate Armed Services Committee. He was offensively smug, defensive, obnoxious and dismissive. His repugnant flippancy in the face of tens of thousands of dead Iraqi civilians and over 2,500 dead American soldiers makes my stomach drop.

Lieberman must lose his seat in Connecticut if the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party is going to take this country back.

Hillary Clinton Calls For Rumsfeld's Resignation (CBC)


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