Thursday, March 01, 2007

Convicted Felon (and former Republican Congressman) Bob Ney Goes to Prison

Bob Ney (R-OH) is going to prison today and thus he felt required to email all 9 of his remaining supporters. Ney touchingly quoted Garth Brooks, left his mailing address at the prison and then asked himself all the rhetorical questions he could muster: “Would I change things if I could? Sure. Am I sorry for things that happened? Absolutely, and I will pay the price."

Ney is like the unpopular kid who moved to Pennsylvania when I was in the third grade. She and her mom printed up a series of Valentines (in June no less) with her new address and phone number and taped them to the inside of each classmate's yearbook. I think I put a sticker of The New Kids on the Block over it.

Just remember Bob, it's like Avon Barksdale said: "You only serve 2 days: the day you get in, and the day you get out."



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