Monday, February 26, 2007

Jet Blue left passangers stranded for 11 hours. I bet it felt JUST like putting your life on the line for an intractable fuckmare war of choice

So they say DC is like New York for the poorly dressed. I say it's like New York for the poorly dressed with crap senses of humor. The latest joke being mailed around Capital Hill, according to Politico:

Under increased pressure to announce an exit strategy from Iraq, President George W. Bush revealed plans today to bring U.S. troops home on the budget airlines JetBlue.

Mr. Bush received praise for his decision to withdraw American troops, but his choice of JetBlue to transport them raised more than a few eyebrows.

According to most official estimates, with its recent spate of scheduling problems and flight delays, JetBlue could take up to twelve years to bring U.S. troops home, and possibly 26+ years in the event of inclement weather.

But at a press conference at the White House today, the president argued that the selection of Jet Blue was "crucial" to the success of his latest exit strategy.

"Setting an exact timetable for a withdrawal from Iraq would be playing right into the enemy's hands," Mr. Bush said. "By going with JetBlue, our enemy will have no idea when we're leaving."

To emphasizes his point, Mr. Bush added, "And neither will we."

Across Iraq, U.S. GIs were hopeful that the news about JetBlue meant that they would be home by Christmas, or at least by Easter 2033.



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