Friday, April 07, 2006

It's Going to Be a Great Weekend

AP's Ron Fournier, who the Note called "ultra-fair" today (totally tubular adjective, dudes), has a nice piece on why this is going to be a good weekend for Democrats. He doesn't say it in so many words, but if you look in your crystal ball, you can see that Republicans are chin-deep in one of the worst news cycles since the Fall.

In short: when you are a Republican and you end the week with the headline :"Bush Leaked Classified Data," you better cancel that Sunday morning interview. It'll be a circular firing squad.

The good news nuggets:

"Republicans said they feared the worst unless the political landscape quickly changes...

"Just 30 percent of the public approves of the GOP-led Congress' job performance, and Republicans seem to be shouldering the blame. 'These numbers are scary. We've lost every advantage we've ever had,' GOP pollster Tony Fabrizio said. 'The good news is Democrats don't have much of a plan. The bad news is they may not need one.'"

And the best quote all week, which I think should become the Democrats's war cry:

"'He's in over his head,' said Diane Heller, 65, a Pleasant Valley, N.Y., real estate broker and independent voter."

UPDATE: I realize now, re-reading this post, that maybe this last line got buried. But I do think the line "Bush is in over is head" is incredibly powerful and has the capacity to sum up what is wrong with the current administration in a succinct, smart way. Anyone know if the Lawn Sign Makers Union votes Democrat?


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